The international school in Genoa

There will be lots of fun and exciting activities lead by English mother tongue teachers.
Every summer, between June and July, ISG offers a summer camp to children ages 2 to 14.
Our Campers have the unique opportunity to experience a trip around the world and learn more about new cultures, spending 4 weeks in a historically green campus in the heart of Genoa. Supported by English mother-tongue teachers, students experience indoor and outdoor educational activities, organized mainly using the sports field, the auditorium, the gymnasium, and the school gardens.

The international school in Genoa, Via Romana della Castagna 11A | C.F 80032730105 P.Iva; 03766040103

Catalogo Camp The international school in Genoa

Anche quest’anno l’International School of Genoa offre un campo estivo divertente e stimolante. I bambini, affiancati da insegnanti madrelingua inglese, potranno partecipare ad attivitĆ  prevalentemente all’aperto, nei giardini e nel campo sportivo e negli spazi interni della struttura, come la palestra e lā€™auditorium. Ogni settimana gli studenti lavoreranno su un tema diverso, grazie all’organizzazione di attivitĆ  e laboratori.

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